

We're here to keep you current on the news surrounding the coronavirus pandemic in Wyoming and around the country.




New leadership is cutting costs at the U.S. Postal Service in a way that's backing up mail around the country, and many are concerned that could impact mail-in ballots ahead of the election on November 3. In the Mountain West, how your ballot could be affected depends on where you live.


10 hours ago
Western Organization of Resource Councils

A new rule from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency will allow power plants to discard coal ash in unlined ponds through April of next year. In some cases, that deadline can be pushed back as far as 2028.


12 hours ago

A vaccine against the virus behind COVID-19 offers the only certain return to normalcy. Even so, misinformation and conspiracy theories abound – and a vaccine hasn’t even been developed yet. It’s an issue people have been trying to combat for other vaccines that do exist. Colorado researchers are taking an interesting approach to bridge the gap.


12 hours ago

This story was powered by America Amplified, a public radio initiative.

For Dr. Lori Drumm, the trouble began after she cancelled a rodeo in rural Deer Lodge, Mont.


Jul 31, 2023
University of Wyoming

When University of Wyoming President Ed Seidel was hired this spring, he had lots of ideas. Then COVID-19 hit and his priorities shifted. Despite budget cuts, he's still excited about the future of UW and how it will impact the state. He spoke with Wyoming Public Radio's Bob Beck.


Jul 31, 2023

Democrats are pushing to turn the Senate blue this November, needing just four more seats to gain control of the chamber. Two key races are in the Mountain West.


Jul 31, 2023
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This summer, the killing of George Floyd by Minneapolis police officers sparked a wave of protests across the country. The first Wyoming community to join that national movement wasn't Laramie or Cheyenne, or even Jackson Hole. It was Riverton.


Jul 31, 2023

Since coronavirus began infecting millions of Americans, Wyoming lawmakers have been critical of President Donald Trump's stance on combatting the pandemic. While they never criticize him directly, one of their attempts to tiptoe around the Trump-sized elephant in the room backfired…as Fox News host Bret Baier told his audience last week.


Jul 31, 2023
Deborah Lopez

Limitations on in-person gatherings because of the pandemic has led to theatres closing-or rethinking how the show can go on.

Some theatres have, for the time being, moved productions from the stage to the internet. That's the case for Laramie-based Relative Theatrics, and the transition has led the company to hire a Director of Virtual Events. Noelia Berkes spoke with Wyoming Public Radio's Micah Schweizer about her new role and how theatre can benefit from a challenging time.

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Jul 31, 2023
Alan Nash

The U.S. Department of Labor's Office of Inspector General (OIG) has released a report recommending changes to the agency responsible for keeping mines safe nationwide. The U.S. Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) has been under 熊猫加速器安卓官网 from unions and some federal lawmakers to create temporary emergency standards in response to COVID-19. Taylor Kuykendall, a senior reporter with S&P Global Market Intelligence, begins by discussing what actions MSHA has taken so far.


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Panda Cloud Cleaner(木马病毒云查杀)V1.1.10官方版下载-下载吧:2021-12-13 · Panda Cloud Cleaner(熊猫云系统清理)是一款单纯的木马病毒扫描清理工具,基于云查杀技术,可伍轻松检测处理电脑里的病毒木马伍及流氓软件;使用非常简单,使用时运行程序即可自动进行云查杀,并且没有常驻系统进程。

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Mississippi On Track To Become No. 1 State For New Coronavirus Cases Per Capita

5 hours ago

Mississippi is heading for a title that no state would want: It is on track to overtake Florida to become the No. 1 state for new coronavirus infections per capita, according to researchers at Harvard.

The state already faces high levels of diabetes, hypertension, heart disease and obesity.

'We Have Made Mistakes': Norway Cruise Company Reports COVID-19 Outbreak

6 hours ago

At least 36 crew members from a Norwegian cruise ship have tested positive for COVID-19, according to Hurtigruten, the company that owns the ship. Several passengers have also tested positive in what the cruise line describes as an "outbreak" onboard the MS Roald Amundsen.

Four patients were admitted to a hospital in the northern Norwegian city of Tromso where the ship is now docked.

The Effects Of El Paso Shooting On Latinx Community In The U.S.

6 hours ago


Mississippi is heading for a title that no state would want. According to researchers at Harvard, it is about to become the No. 1 state for new coronavirus infections per capita. Dr. LouAnn Woodward is the top executive at the University of Mississippi Medical Center, and she joins us now.

Thank you for taking the time today.

LOUANN WOODWARD: Absolutely. I'm glad to speak with you this evening.

SHAPIRO: Well, first just tell us what things look like from where you sit right now.

Remembering One Of El Paso Shooting Victims, Arturo Benavides

6 hours ago


熊猫卫士(panda global protection)免费简体中文版 V.17下载 ...:2021-5-19 · 熊猫卫士是一款Panda软件公司研发的拥有100%自有技术的防毒软件,它在查杀病毒的同时还能防止其他恶意程序(黑客、特洛伊木马、蠕虫等)对电脑的威胁。安装快速便捷,体积轻巧,占用系统资源少。它的自我诊断功能和对防病毒软件自身文件及配置的保护功能使您在浏览网页、玩游戏时无需操 …

Thank you for taking the time today.

LOUANN WOODWARD: Absolutely. I'm glad to speak with you this evening.

SHAPIRO: Well, first just tell us what things look like from where you sit right now.


6 hours ago

New leadership is cutting costs at the U.S. Postal Service in a way that's backing up mail around the country, and many are concerned that could impact mail-in ballots ahead of the election on November 3. In the Mountain West, how your ballot could be affected depends on where you live.

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